15/5 – 2/8/2015
Ulrike Mohr, Space Liner, ARTER- Space for Art, Istanbul
Ulrike Mohr is an artist based in Berlin. She exhibits frequently in international solo and group shows and realized several Kunst am Bau projects such as „Signalkugel“ (2011, Doppelkaianlage Berlin-Kreuzberg) and „Chiralität / Händigkeit“ (2015, Max-Delbrück Centrum Berlin-Buch). Mohr was recipient of numerous grants and residencies, among them the Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium of Berlin, the Istanbul grant of the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe or Stiftung Kunstfonds and is well known for her site-specific conceptual and materialbased installations and spatial drawings.
Ulrike Mohr works with the concept of drawing, space, time and charcoal. Her material transformation processes are influenced not only by complex research and handed-down knowledge, but also by serendipity. As a sculptor, she positions herself observing nature and utilizes process-oriented
treatments of materials, which she transfers into poetic installations. Their temporal dimensions are intrinsic to the organic substances. Over the past years, the burning of char has become a central modus operandi in her work and uncovers the relationships between aesthetics and science – present and past.
Since 2015 she develops the curatorial format „WECHSELRAUM“ that questions authorship and locates itself transdisciplinarily at the interface between exhibition and performance.